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WARNING: THIS SITE FEATURES ORIGINAL THINKING...Jim Croce once sang Don't tug on Superman's cape..., which seems like reasonable advice should we not wish to anger the supreme powers. We do have this duality in our culture: the Superman that is the state collective, the leftist call to a politics of meaning managed by the state, the deification of "we're from the government and we'll take care of you" - versus the Superman that celebrates individual freedom, private property, freedom of conscience, free enterprise, and limited government. We humbly take on the latter's mantle and, eschewing the feeble tug, we dare to PULL, in hope of seeing freedom's rescue from the encroaching nanny state. We invite you, dear reader, to come and pull as well... Additionally, if you assume that means that we are unflinching, unquestioning GOP zombies, that would be incorrect. We reject statism in any form and call on individuals in our country to return to the original, classical liberalism of our founders. (We're also passionate about art, photography, cooking, technology, Judeo/Christian values, and satire as unique, individual pursuits of happiness to celebrate.) |
Superman's product of the century (so far):
I can't help it - at the Kerry Lied site - there's "Ain't Fonda Kerry". Now there's a nuanced one for you.
Jay Nordinger at NRO absolutely calls out the Kerry campaign - a must read.
Seeing is believing - see PM Allawi (requires Real Player) - the Winston Churchill, nay, the George Washington of Iraq before the joint session of Congress (minus two certain Senators).
MSM echoes the Kerry campaign that the continued spate of beheadings are a sign that Iraq is the wrong war - at the wrong place - at the wrong time.
What the beheadings prove is just the opposite. Ready? You've taken your little red pill today, right?
A common method that is used in the matrix we live in is to talk about something obliquely as if just saying a word conveys its real meaning.
When I ask my friends what they think the beheadings in Iraq are like they explain that they visualize the guillotine or a scimitar - something certainly quick and clean and served up with the dignity any Westerner would expect from such a proceeding. You know, it's too bad that it's happening, it's just the insurgent's method to get attention on their demands.
What they really are is beyond the worst possible thing that we can imagine - remember now you've promised that you've taken your red pill - these are the most egregious, horrible, evil acts in human history.
These masked swine read a condemnation behind a bound, sometimes blindfolded, always terrified (too often an American citizen) human being. The reader seizes his helpless prey and begins to saw at their throat with what in some cases looks like an oversized steak knife or a small machete. This is anything but a clean, quick operation. Imagine all the blood in all the Hollywood movies you have ever seen and this might equal the amount that emits in great gouts from each hapless victim - while they helplessly struggle against their bonds and the outpouring of their life blood. The murderer stays at his task for up to a couple of minutes until he secures his blood soaked prize - typically placing it on the lifeless body. The murderer and his assemblage then praise their bloodthirsty god.
You know, even the forgoing doesn't really convey what it takes to see what they are doing for what it really is. Really, you have to watch this death cult in action - as revolting as that is - because in seeing them you will LEARN who they are.
So here's an assignment - fortified with your red pill (you choose to escape the matrix) - go watch them. Go to your favorite search engine and look for 'beheading video' - watch what they do to Nick Berg, Eugene Armstrong or another of your fellow citizens. Fair warning: This will forever change you. When you watch our enemy do what they do you will never get used to it, you will never be hardened to its effect. I cannot bear to watch these videos more than once - but I force myself to watch each one as it is published - because this is what is really happening to my countrymen.
So go now, if you will, then return - I'll wait here...
You know that utter feeling of revulsion that you are feeling now? That's what any honest, thinking human being will feel when they see the bloodthirsty killing of another. That's the true face of our enemy. Now you know - and you know in a way that nothing and no one else will show you.
Why the right war? We are in a war on terror - you've just seen terror in its naked guise. And understand this - what the terrorists are communicating to you by doing this and by providing you a view of their terror is that they want to do this to YOU - YOU personally - and your family and everyone you know or love. They think of this almost all the time and it is their greatest desire. This is the right war.
Why the right place? Would you rather face them in Baghdad? Or would you prefer Detroit, Los Angeles perhaps, maybe Seattle? We went to their doorstep and we have found them. Don't believe the MSM's suggestions that they just showed up there because we were there. They will not easily let Iraq go. It’s the right place.
Why the right time? If nothing else we are now in a position to question everything that we have been fed by the MSM for decades. Why has no news organization shown the American public the true face of our enemy? Because they don't show death and destruction on television? Please! Because they won't stoop to displaying what amounts to snuff film to the public? Right! If every adult American saw what you have just seen - there would be sufficient public will to complete this war against all enemies in all places in all countries for all time. It's the right time.
UPDATE: A supporting piece from NRO by Michael Ledeen.
UPDATE: Iraq is not the only place terrorized by the inhuman.
I watched Andrew Sullivan and Christopher Hitchens on Tim Russert today with interest. What more convincing do thoughtful people need than to hear these two clearly say that John Kerry has no business nearing the office of the Presidency?
It’s amazing that Sullivan, a gay Catholic libertarian – most famous as blogger - and Hitchens, a militant atheist Marxist most famous for his devastating denouements of Bill Clinton during the impeachment proceedings (both syllogisms embraced between them today) can agree on a one-issue campaign and agree ostensibly on supporting the current administration to complete the mission in Iraq (though Andrew claims he will waste his vote). While they disagree on many things, they visit remarkable solidarity on Iraq being the right war at the right place at the right time and on the simple defense of American democracy in the world.
It may serve thinking people well – of all political stripes – that these truly nuanced thinkers can come to the same conclusion as the neo-cons, right wingers, and conservative Christians on the most important single issue of our collective lives. Perhaps to be single minded enough to re-elect the President. And then maybe, just maybe, single minded enough to produce the staying power to see the war on terror through if for nothing else but for the generations to come.
Why did CBS pitch forged documents to the public? Was it because they ‘wanted it to be true’? Was it their ‘incompetence’? Was it that they just rushed the story without following proper procedure?
It may, in some part, be many of these things.
But, if you’ve taken your little red pill today, you are ready for the truth. Here it is: CBS did it because they have done it for so long and we have allowed them to do it for so long that it was just standard practice. The fundamental mistake they made was producing something that could be analyzed mathematically – purely black and white – because, for the most part, they leave spin room for everything else.
To make a finer point of it - acts of commission are a little bit more difficult to pull off than acts of omission. Perhaps they can no longer tell the difference. There are so many stories and so much reality that they either quickly debunk and never revisit or simply never report at all. Powerline asks 'How Many Frauds?'. Check out Media Research's 20 Year history of Dan Rather.
So let's not laugh at what CBS did too much. Let's get real - it is time to question everything and it's time to bring what is omitted to the light of day. That means every MSM story every day - and it means opening up the past and exposing what has already happened. Let's roll.
The CBS debacle is just a glimpse into reality - there is cracked code in the Matrix and Rather is a haywire instance of Mr. Smith. Time for everyone to take the red pill. Here we will explore more routes to the surface.
From Hugh:
"There is no doubt that the tectonic plates of journalism are moving. There is awesome potential in the internet as a gatherer, distributor and checker of news - not least through instant delivery channels such as mobile phones. This does not mean old media will die. But it will have to adapt quickly to what has so far been an asymmetrical relationship."
--Guardian columnist Victor Keegan
It's time to move from reactive to active. Stay tuned.