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WARNING: THIS SITE FEATURES ORIGINAL THINKING...Jim Croce once sang Don't tug on Superman's cape..., which seems like reasonable advice should we not wish to anger the supreme powers. We do have this duality in our culture: the Superman that is the state collective, the leftist call to a politics of meaning managed by the state, the deification of "we're from the government and we'll take care of you" - versus the Superman that celebrates individual freedom, private property, freedom of conscience, free enterprise, and limited government. We humbly take on the latter's mantle and, eschewing the feeble tug, we dare to PULL, in hope of seeing freedom's rescue from the encroaching nanny state. We invite you, dear reader, to come and pull as well... Additionally, if you assume that means that we are unflinching, unquestioning GOP zombies, that would be incorrect. We reject statism in any form and call on individuals in our country to return to the original, classical liberalism of our founders. (We're also passionate about art, photography, cooking, technology, Judeo/Christian values, and satire as unique, individual pursuits of happiness to celebrate.)

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WWW Pull On Superman's Cape
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May 13, 2005
UN: Things are heating up
Filed in: Current Affairs, UN Oil For Food - Oil For Fraud, War on Terror

If you don't know all the names and background - read up here first.

Despite the UN winning a court battle this week (how does a foreign entity - a nation in effect, qualify to utilizes the federal courts of the United States?) to suppress evidence under subpoena by the United States Congress and Senate, the truth is beginning to come out.

Despite the federal ruling - former FBI agent Robert Parton who resigned from Volcker's committee in protest - had already provided documentation (including audiotapes apparently) that reveal details about Kofi Annan's connection with son Koji's Cotecna - and said details have not been contained in previous Volcker committee reports. He had provided the documentation to Representative Henry Hyde's International Relations committee.

Volcker has contacted Hyde and asked for the documents back. Hyde has refused.

Volcker's shrill tone in response is ominous:

"It is essential that it also protect the integrity and the confidentiality of the independent investigating committee," Volcker told reporters in New York, saying the probe involved "highly sensitive matters."

"Lives of certain witnesses are at stake," he added. "We're not playing games here, we are dealing, and let me just emphasize this, in some cases, with lives."

Is it just me or does it sound like he is threatening somebody or more than somebody?

Then today, it has been reported that Kofi Annan did not disclose meetings that he had with Cotecna during interviews with investigators - and only changed his story when confronted by his own calendars that were turned over to Parton. Parton also obtained other testimony regarding Annan's meetings with Cotecna as well. We're getting closer to this part of the truth.

In the midst of all this - in the middle of the night last night - Norm Coleman's Senate Committee - the permanent subcommittee on investigations issued this report (requires Adobe Acrobat reader) that effectively charges former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua and British member of Parliament George Galloway with accepting oil allocations under OFF - and with having a relationship with Saddam Hussein. Coleman's committee is convening next week and Galloway is saying he will attend. He is vociferously complaining that he is innocent. No word at this point if Pasqua is going to show. His diplomatic adviser has been arrested and is now being questioned by a French judge.

The investigation into French owned bank BNP-Parabas (that handled all OFF transactions) is continuing as well - and if nothing else - is guilty of gross negligence - but possibly of collusion with terrorists.

Developments are so rapid that it could become confusing if you haven't kept up with the story for the long term.

But the fundamental issue is still this: It's the Iraq question. Each day it becomes more clear. Did Saddam Hussein and United Nations personnel, along with politicians and citizens from other countries use the OFF program to subvert action by the United Nations and oppose United States action against Saddam?

It's the Iraq question.

Did I say that it is the Iraq question?

The United Nations has the blood of Americans on its hands. This cannot stand.

Of course, if you read CNN you wouldn't know about any of this - they'd rather talk about the Wendy's chili finger on their internet front page than international treachery.

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