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WARNING: THIS SITE FEATURES ORIGINAL THINKING...Jim Croce once sang Don't tug on Superman's cape..., which seems like reasonable advice should we not wish to anger the supreme powers. We do have this duality in our culture: the Superman that is the state collective, the leftist call to a politics of meaning managed by the state, the deification of "we're from the government and we'll take care of you" - versus the Superman that celebrates individual freedom, private property, freedom of conscience, free enterprise, and limited government. We humbly take on the latter's mantle and, eschewing the feeble tug, we dare to PULL, in hope of seeing freedom's rescue from the encroaching nanny state. We invite you, dear reader, to come and pull as well... Additionally, if you assume that means that we are unflinching, unquestioning GOP zombies, that would be incorrect. We reject statism in any form and call on individuals in our country to return to the original, classical liberalism of our founders. (We're also passionate about art, photography, cooking, technology, Judeo/Christian values, and satire as unique, individual pursuits of happiness to celebrate.) |
Superman's product of the century (so far):
I'm ready to go to war! Political, that is. It's not enough that all this Vietnam stuff is driving me crazy, now this. Just how can African Americans justify blindly supporting Dumocrat dictates from on high. Why am I saying this? I will try and be brief.
A few years ago the Opportunity Industrialization Corporation (OIC) of Milwaukee went belly up. It was broke, flat busted, sans cash. Well it turns out the the Executive Director Carl Gee (African American - D), State Senator and Board Chairman Gary George ( African American - D), and Lawyer Mark Sostrich (Whitey-Ambulance Chaser-D) were caught red-handed in a money laundering scheme. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were missing and one scheme involved the three gentlemen mentioned above.
The District Attorney (E. Micheal McCann-D) actually prosecuted. It was so big and impacted "The Poor" directly even old E had to get off his butt and do his job. Let's make this as short as possible. Gee was found guilty and is awaiting sentencing now. Gary George was found guilty and is serving 8 Years in Federal prison. Mark Sostrich, Mark Sostrich just what has happened to him?
Old Mark, by the way, was once the Chairman of the Wisconsin Democrat Party. Boy is he going to be in trouble. Errrr! Maybe not. The great DA comes up with a plea bargain - two months in jail and three years probation. It's something!
It was not over. State Judge (Contributor to the Democrat Party) overruled the plea bargain. Alright, now he's going to get his. Nope! Sentence reduced to Probation only. No jail time for Marky. As a result of his guilty plea Marky lost his ability to practice law in Wisconsin for eighteen months. OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh!
An appeal to the State Supreme Court was made to reduce the time he was restricted from practicing law in Wisconsin. The Supreme Court took the strong stance and said no mercy he must not practice law for eighteen months. Make that retroactive, however. This slime-bag crook will be practicing law here in November.
While Gary and Carl are hanging in Club fed the WHITE DEMOCRAT PARTY LEADER is practicing law.
The crime was this - Mark billed OIC for legal services (not performed) Gee would approve the bill, George would sign and they got a kick back from Mark. Who is more guilty? It's the African Americans, for being too gullible to figure out the Democrat Party uses them just like the Slave Masters did in history.
The US-European Cassini spacecraft has imaged a feature on Saturn's largest moon - Titan, that may be a 235km x 75km liquid methane lake - in the top-left portion of the image:
Upon further examination, though, there is a much more momentous discovery:
Now with UPDATES:
...Continue reading "Cassini sees a lake?"I've had all I can take - I can't stand the constant reference to Vietnam in the current loony-left dialog. Most of these morons haven't even had the history of Vietnam taught to them. In what passes for history instruction in the current educational environment, history appears to be based solely on what it should have been not what it really was. Those who do remember the "good ole days of violent protest" are old hags and pansy-like metro-sexual college professors.
I guess I should give you a little background. I am a geezer, served three years in the U.S. Army Security Agency (1958-1961), and my experience in Vietnam was only on the fringes. I was involved, however, in training during the "Adviser" period.
Vietnam started, as most wars do, by European colonization. France to be exact! After they lost, which they always do, we came to the aid of South Vietnam by offering training and support. It was during this time that the now famous "Special Forces/Special Operations" concepts were developed. Starting with President Eisenhower and refined by President Kennedy the Green Berets became the primary military presence in Vietnam. They were aided by some support units, like mine. Most of the action at that time was minor. Most of those who served at that time never faced direct action.
In 1961, President Kennedy bought the concept entirely. The concept was simple, win the Hearts and Minds of the Vietnamese people and allow them to defend themselves. That policy was working, we were winning the war of minds. If you doubt that, just say Mongs.
Folks (geezer word), this is the real analogy to Vietnam. This is indeed what we are trying to do in Iraq now.
In November of 1963 we lost a true military visionary to an assassin He was replaced by a pompous Democrat Politician, much like those we see today. Are you listening Kennedy, Pelosi, Kerry? McNammara, in a power play, convinced Johnson that a well controlled political war was the answer. And, by the way it wouldn't last more than six months.
The conventional war started by adding more and more conventional forces to the calculation. Of course, the Democrats (they had the White House, Congress, and Senate - throw in the Supreme Court), like dogs walking through a forest, had to leave their mark on every aspect of the battle plan.
It was early in 1966 that we had lost the war. Of course, Walter Kronkite (Stalinist reporter for CBS) said nothing until Lil' Bobby Kennedy aligned himself with the far left of the Democrat Party. It was only then that the MSM started their attack on the War. What current historians ignore is, polls of that time showed 60+% support for the effort in the U.S. Funny how polls are news now, but don't report any that don't support the far-left poison.
It was only when the Republican, Nixon, showed up that the media went full-bore against America. Nixon won his second-term overwhelmingly against an outwardly anti-war candidate. Yet, the news was full of violent anti-war protest. We lost and millions of Cambodians died because of America's far-left. 55,000 Americans died at the whim of Democrat politicians that wanted to control the war politically - some of whom still occupy positions in the Senate and Congress.
"Big Iron" generals like Zinni (I admire his service and his concern) are plain and simple, WRONG. The "Big Iron" concept works only where very clear battle lines exist. This concept would generate huge numbers of collateral death and at the same time lose the "Hearts and Minds." This is a "Special Ops War." It has to be. The American footprint must be kept small, responsibility for security must go to the locals. This was, in fact, the battle plan we had in the early years of Vietnam. We were winning then. It was the Democrat politicians who lost that war and they can't deny it.
This must not happen again, in Iraq.
Bone scared? That's how many women are induced into taking drugs for osteoporosis that may have more hamrful side effects than they do efficacy. That's what Tuesday's Seattle Times article in the Suddenly Sick series demonstrates.
Every day in clinics and doctors' offices across the country, healthy middle-age women slide their wrists into portable X-ray machines that calculate bone density.
If they get a low enough density score, they walk out with a prescription that's supposed to prevent a hip fracture late in life by adding bone tissue now.
But there's a big problem with this familiar exercise, according to some top osteoporosis experts: Most of these women don't need the drug. They are wasting money and risking side effects for little benefit.
Read how Merck has used bone scan machines and a pliable medical industry to build a more than $3 billion and growing drug business for one product: Fosamax. $3 billion is greater than many complete industry segments.
The Democrats Today. No Vision. No Plan. Not your Parents' Democrat Party.
Watch this video. (Requires MS media player).
That about sums it up.
H/T RonL.
This is for real.
A private developer has contacted the municipal government of Weare, New Hampshire to begin the process of building a hotel at the present location of Supreme Court Justice David Souter's home.
The hotel's name: The Lost Liberty Hotel:
According to a statement from Clements, the proposed development, called "The Lost Liberty Hotel" will feature the "Just Desserts Café" and include a museum, open to the public, "featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America." Instead of a Gideon's Bible in each room, guests will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged," the statement said.
Me: Man, look at them dragging that tarp all around the field. Whoa! Spilling it all out one end. It must be eight inches deep out there. Those guys are not going to get to play!
Friend: That's why God made domed stadiums.*
*OK, it's not quite a dome, but 'retractable roof' suffices:
The ballpark's one-of-a-kind retractable roof is designed to cover but not enclose the ballpark, thus preserving an open-air environment. The structure covers nearly 9 acres, weighs 22 million pounds, and contains enough steel to build a skyscraper 55 stories tall. The three movable panels glide on 128 steel wheels powered by 96 ten horsepower electric motors. A push of a button closes or opens the roof in an average of 10-20 minutes (depending on wind and other weather conditions). The roof is self-grounded (in the event of lightning strikes) and is designed to withstand 6-7 ft. of snow and sustained winds of up to 70 mph.
In the continuing series this week, the Seattle Times examines the medical community and it's relationship to the obesity phenomena in: Rush toward new weight-loss drugs tramples patients' health. It contains a blistering denoument of the 'phen-fen' and Redux prescription plague that occurred in the 1990's.
Interestingly, the article points out how poor the aged 'BMI index' is for determining 'overweight' or 'obese' conditions. For example, applying BMI to some well known basketball players yields some interesting results:
Normal Seattle Sonics' Luke Ridnour 6 feet, 1 inch; 167 pounds; 22 BMI |
Overweight Seattle Sonics' Reggie Evans 6 feet, 8 inches; 245 pounds; 26.9 BMI |
Obese Miami Heat's Shaquille O'Neal 7 feet, 1 inch; 325 pounds; 31.6 BMI |
This article points out that more than 70 new drugs to treat overweight and obesity are under development. This in the face of Wyeth labs expecting to pay $21.1 billion to settle the legal claims involving phen-fen.
The Times article leaves us with watching new drug developments and a sense of anxiety as we contemplate our health.
Even the most mainstream of health organizations promote good nutrition and exercise as fundamental to vitality and healthy living. Other, more alternative approaches utilizing more extreme nutritional and exercise regimens have also yielded incredible, drug free results for a significant spectrum of people.
Steve Verdon - an author for the popular Outside the Beltway blog and his blog Deinonychus Antirrhopus thinks I'm moonbatty (and Michelle Malkin for that matter - I'm happy with the company I keep). At least that's what he's telling the troops at
Michelle Malkin is your one stop shopping spot for all the moonbattery on this. The short form is:
We have little to no evidence supporting our more lurid claims, but there is no evidence we are wrong either, so (sic) therfore we are right.
At the end of the autopsy report there are about 8 points/questions that are examined that (sic) tries to answer many of the questions surrounding the issue. The autopsy report doesn't answer some of the key questions like why did Terri Schaivo collapse.
Here is a particularly moonbatty post. Apparently this guy thinks that the dehydration was the primary cause for the small size of Terri Schiavo's brain. How does this person arrive at the 922 g weight? Beats me, seems to have pulled it out of thin air (to put it kindly).
What I am saying is that the discussion of pathology of Terri's brain due to brain weight is medical fraud - prior to the removal of the feeding tube Terri's brain weight would have been at least 922 grams and could have easily been over 1,000 grams. These doctors know this. Her significantly reduced brain weight was due to the dehydration and starvation that was imposed on her.
Now Steve is a pretty smart guy. He has sufficiently demonstrated (and recently should we suspect that he has gone off the reservation) that he has mathematical capabilities that exceed the average third grader.
So why would he suppose that simple division is equivalent to 'thin air'? Is it because he's pretty sure that the vast audience at can't figure out what one-third is?
And why pontificate where there's almost no one reading? He posts on a high traffic blog - and Outside the Beltway is certainly friendly to his point of view on the Schiavo case. But there's nothing from him opining about any aspect of the case - at least not this year. And, to date, there is not a single post with the name 'Schiavo' on his individual blog.
I don't know. Perhaps he's just been reading the liberal press and that's sufficient for his view. He's taking the time to engage on the Hubbert curve/peak oil issue - constructively and informed. On Schiavo? No (to put it kindly).
Debunk means to expose as a sham or to falsify. Falsify my post Steve. Falsify the effects of dehydration on the human body in general - and specifically the brain - make a case that Terri Schiavo's brain was as hydrated as Karen Ann Quinlan's was when she died. Falsify the attorney and other doctors that I referenced. Falsify the peer reviewed journals that address the issue of dehydration and brain volume. Falsify or siste viator.
The Seattle Times began an investigative report on Sunday that will continue through Thursday this week titled:
The hidden big business behind your doctor's diagnosis
The Times found that:
• Pharmaceutical firms have commandeered the process by which diseases are defined. Many decision makers at the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and some of America's most prestigious medical societies take money from the drug companies and then promote the industry's agenda.
• Some diseases have been radically redefined without a strong basis in medical evidence.
• The drug industry has bolstered its position by marketing directly to the health-conscious consumer, leading younger and healthier people to consider themselves at risk and to start taking medications.
Each day they are examining specific areas where the practice of medicine has been compromised:
Hypertension (Sunday), Obesity (Monday), Osteoporosis (Tuesday), Deep-vein thrombosis (Wednesday), and Female sexual dysfunction (Thursday).
It's astounding that the Times is taking on such powerful interests in this process. I also wonder if they realize what other aspects of the medical science community should receive additional scrutiny because of these findings. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.
Although the articles are not well informed by the impact of nutrition and exercise on health - they are certainly an interesting spotlight on the current risks you might be taking when you go to get your next check up.
First do no harm? Apparently that depends on the checkbook.