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WARNING: THIS SITE FEATURES ORIGINAL THINKING...Jim Croce once sang Don't tug on Superman's cape..., which seems like reasonable advice should we not wish to anger the supreme powers. We do have this duality in our culture: the Superman that is the state collective, the leftist call to a politics of meaning managed by the state, the deification of "we're from the government and we'll take care of you" - versus the Superman that celebrates individual freedom, private property, freedom of conscience, free enterprise, and limited government. We humbly take on the latter's mantle and, eschewing the feeble tug, we dare to PULL, in hope of seeing freedom's rescue from the encroaching nanny state. We invite you, dear reader, to come and pull as well... Additionally, if you assume that means that we are unflinching, unquestioning GOP zombies, that would be incorrect. We reject statism in any form and call on individuals in our country to return to the original, classical liberalism of our founders. (We're also passionate about art, photography, cooking, technology, Judeo/Christian values, and satire as unique, individual pursuits of happiness to celebrate.) |
Superman's product of the century (so far):
Is it happening again? About this stage in the 2004 Gubernatorial race, Gregoire was about 15,000 votes ahead of Rossi.
Now we are pretty much an all 'mail in ballot' state. I wonder how many ballots were mailed today?
The One's coattails were insurmountable. Story and video here.
Keep on keeping on Dino. What you do does assist this state to be more accountable.
God Bless you Dino.
As of 1 AM Pacific Time.
He'll need huge improvement in absentee ballots to overcome this.
Rossi rightly refuses to concede.
Only about half the WA state votes have been counted - we have a long history of absentee ballots changing elections.
Then, of course, we have 2004.
Re-elect Dino Rossi...
All the national networks have called the gubernatorial race here in WA.
The local news channels refuse to do so.
This with 0 votes counted out of Pierce County - and an untold amount of absentee ballots yet to be counted.
We'll see.
At this moment it's 628,495 Gregoire, 591,178 Rossi. That means that half of the votes have been counted.
It's 8:29 PM, most eastern counties not reporting - King County has not reported anything at all yet.
Snohomish County (just north of King County) highest reporting so far - substantially for Gregoire (and Obama).
Obama has pulled of the deception of all time. Only time will tell.
Let's see if Rossi can get re-elected...
We're about to be back at it again. Can't quite believe it has been so long - and so soon...
From early voting turnout looks like the non King County contingent is turning out very strong - which is good for Mr. Rossi...
Fingers crossed.
Most of us in Washington State continue to reel at the fraud and negligence that characterized our election here last November.
Shark Sharkansky at Sound Politics has continued on with dogged determination - he's continued to execute FOIA requests (or their equivalent at the County level) - and has continued to expose the staggering corruption in King County. Just yesterday he discovered by physical inspection dozens more additional absentee ballots - many of them from members of the armed services - that were not counted in last November's election!
A week ago, working with Bob Edelmen of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, Shark discovered and reported that the current set of King County absentee ballots (that we're going to vote in the upcoming local election) are in violation of state law - having to do with mail forwarding.
These things continue to remind us of the horrid conditions that our election system remains in - but I have something to share that's a bit more, well, Heinlenian.
I just received my absentee ballot and my local voters pamphlet - we've got this local King County election coming up September 20th. Among the offices to be filled is that of King County Executive - for which the election department works - so you can imagine that it is important to many of us.
I'm pretty sure that we have been transported to some strange planet, because this is the front page of the voter's pamphlet:
You really can't make this stuff up folks. I think this is the most condescending piece of crap information I have ever seen in the voting process.
Seattle Times' opening paragraph for this story:
King County Executive Ron Sims has temporarily reassigned two veteran managers to help run this fall's elections and will seek $500,000 to pay for a "turnaround team" that would make longer-term changes in the dysfunctional election operation.
Heh. They said dysfunctional.
Guess that's one term they could use to describe the most egregious affront to liberty in the elections process seen since Mayor Daley's Chicago syndicate.