Ann Coulter
The most brilliant journalist of our age - does heavy lifting
Black Five
Want to know what is really going on in our armed services? Matt does tell. He's a man of honor and gives tribute to men and women who serve all of us around the world.
Blogs For Terri
Terri Schindler Schiavo - We will NEVER forget!
Master photographer Jan shows off spectacular photos around the Pacific Northwest.
Commissioner Hugh Hewitt
The man! Inspirer of blogs, flogger of the currently most important.
Common Sense and Wonder
Great group blog - full of common sense penned by very talented people. I wonder...
Cream of the Crock
Diana once killed me in a place of wisdom. We've made up. One of my favorite experts.
Day by Day
Chris Muir provides the best first place for you to spew your coffee every morning
Digital Brown Pajamas
Sleepy Stormtroopers of the Religious Right. Plus Jeff is just a great guy. And Steve! Don't forget Steve! Oh no, where'd you guys go?
Evangelical Outpost
What can I say? I like Joe.
File it under...
These guys are animals. I mean it, they are animals.
Hamilton's Pamphlets
The Federalist Papers are still alive - and so is Alexander ...
Huffington's Toast
Hilarious answer to Arianna Huffington's psuedo-blog
In DC Journal
Bill is positively InDC, occasionally InDCent, always Bill
Jihad Watch
Lead by Robert Spencer - dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world.
Laura Ingraham
Find her on the radio and listen - does heavy lifting
Matt Rosenberg
Culture and current affairs from Seattle journalist and musician - and contributor to Sound Politics and Redstate - all in one very productive guy.
Michelle Malkin
Conservative goddess - does heavy lifting
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Beth has a terrific blog AND she's my favorite Bama fan. (Which for an AU guy is like we've overcome class warfare, you know?)
Nerf Coated World
Friend Matt's wisdom tech and politech
Ninme, tenme, elevenme, just don't two-time me
Pillage Idiot
Replacing the creator of worlds - do you miss Allah? Go see Attila.
Pixie Lair
I'm a Pixie. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. (It's Shell - Look what God made!) - Found her again!
The triumvirate. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
Protein Wisdom
Jeff's menagerie of extreme thoughts, well said.
Scribal Terror
Gail can write! And make you do your English homework!
Sissy Willis
'Wiley' Willis cats and thoughts.
Sondra K
Like Special K - only better
Sound Politics
Shark and friends dig out the unsound
Tapscott's Copy Desk
Mark Tapscott, Director of The Heritage Foundation's Center for Media and Public Policy. Solid good read all the time. Moved to Examiner now...
The incomparable Ace of Spades HQ
The truth in spades!
The Jawa Report
Dr. Rusty and pals. Find original fisking and research here.
The Mighty Beldar
Crusty trial lawyer, bemused observer of politics & internet dilettante from Houston, Texas
the pragmatic chef™
Scott is a connoisseur of food and life! He really knows what seared means...
The Radio Equalizer -Brian Maloney
Could Brian be the next conservative heavy lifter? My money's on him.
The Truth Laid Bear
TTLB Ecosystem host and esteemed pundit.
Timothy Goddard
Brilliant analysis - plus Red State WA!
Great conservative commentary and about some kind of Weblog awards or something like that
Fellow traveler McGehee's musings